Lost Black Lab at Harling Woods - Help! - photo

Lost Black Lab at Harling Woods - Help!

West Harling Road, 76

Around 8am our black Labrador went missing whilst out walking at gate 76 in the Harling Woods. He walks the route every day so is familiar, and dashed off into the trees as usual, but hasn’t returned. He’s young and fit so could have travelled further. He’s chipped and tagged, wearing a red collar. He’s very friendly and likes other dogs and people.


West Harling Road, 76
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Thu, 16.05.2024
Thu, 16.05.2024
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul486499 posted on Facebook Norwich, ENG - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Опубликовано: 17 May 2024, ответить на комментарий

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