Lost Lab Carlos: Athletic Black Labrador Escapes in Sheffield - photo

Lost Lab Carlos: Athletic Black Labrador Escapes in Sheffield

Oxclose Park Way, 11, Halfway

Carlos is a black Labrador who is a skinny and athletic build. We bought him from a family in Wakefield and drove back to Sheffield. The ride was harsh on him and he got sick, so we took him out for a short walk to relieve himself. He did so but refused to come in our house. When we tried, he slipped off his collar and bolted through the crack in the door.

Owner's review of Pet911

Pet is found and returned to original owners.
The user has hidden the phone number

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Oxclose Park Way, 11, Halfway
Listing number
Pet's breed
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Fri, 06.10.2023
Fri, 06.10.2023

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul485539 posted on Facebook Sheffield, ENG - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 07 October 2023, reply

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