Lost Cocker Spaniel Buzz: Skinny, Nervous, Missing - photo

Lost Cocker Spaniel Buzz: Skinny, Nervous, Missing

58F9+9Q Morpeth, UK

He is a red working cocker 2 yrs old. Very skinny. Very nervous so he's been running away from people. He isn't aggressive at all so wouldn't bite. His name is Buzz.

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58F9+9Q Morpeth, UK
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 22.07.2023
Sat, 22.07.2023
Owner name
Lee Elwood

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul485260 posted on Facebook Newcastle, ENG - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 23 July 2023, reply
Facebook group comment
Glad to see found. See full comment
Published: 23 July 2023, reply

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