Lost: Spectacled Tortie Kitten - Mastrick Close - photo

Lost: Spectacled Tortie Kitten - Mastrick Close

Mastrick Close, 11, Aberdeen City

Female kitten is 5mths old although big for her age and is Tortoiseshell with a lot of white, she also has black marks either side of her eyes as though she was wearing spectacles and a fluffy tail.. She escaped around 8pm on the 11th January 2024 when my SIL was putting out the bin. She isn't chipped or neutered as the vet advised waiting until she was 6mths. She belongs to my elderly SIL who is extremely worried about her.


Mastrick Close, 11, Aberdeen City
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 13.01.2024
Thu, 11.01.2024
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets Australia
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Опубликовано: 14 January 2024, ответить на комментарий

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