Help Find Wayne: Elderly Black Cat Lost! - photo

Help Find Wayne: Elderly Black Cat Lost!

Wellwright Road, 6

🐾 LOST CAT - PLEASE HELP! 🐾 Our beloved black cat named Wayne has gone missing. He's around 15 years old and responds to the name Wayne. He's incredibly friendly and might come to you if called. Please check sheds/garages etc.. 📍 Last Seen on Wellwright road, Fairwater around lunchtime. 📞 Contact me on 07854328727 🔗 Additional Info: Wayne is an elderly friendly loving cat. He has a Distinctive slit in his ear. Black polka dot coller frayed. Your help in spreading the word would mean the world to us! Please share this post and keep an eye out for our sweet Wayne. Thank you!


Wellwright Road, 6
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sat, 25.11.2023
Fri, 24.11.2023
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul485826 posted on Facebook Cardiff, UK - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Опубликовано: 26 November 2023, ответить на комментарий

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