Missing Pineapple Conure in New Tredegar! - photo

Missing Pineapple Conure in New Tredegar!

Duffryn Terrace, 14, Elliots Town

I'm looking for my pineapple conure bird. I don't know the sex of the bird. He has beautiful colours grey on his head green on his back and yellow with red markings underneath.. He escaped from Phillipstown New Tredegar South Wales on May 25th


Duffryn Terrace, 14, Elliots Town
Listing number
Fri, 21.06.2024
Sat, 25.05.2024
Owner name
Julia hambly

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Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul486749 posted on Facebook Cardiff, UK - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Опубликовано: 22 June 2024, ответить на комментарий