Help Find Dziobek: Lost Senegal Parrot! - photo

Help Find Dziobek: Lost Senegal Parrot!

Warren Road, 65

Our beloved pet - Dziobek (Senegal parrot) escaped in the evening, June 10th 2024 He was last seen on Warren Road in Torquay  He has a silver metal ring around his left ankle with his date of birth He responds to whistles


Warren Road, 65
Listing number
Pet's gender
Fri, 14.06.2024
Mon, 10.06.2024
Owner name
Darek Urbanski

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing ul486715 posted on Facebook Plymouth, ENG - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Опубликовано: 15 June 2024, ответить на комментарий