Missing Black Cat with White Chest Spot - photo

Missing Black Cat with White Chest Spot

Academy Close, Bulwell

Is fully black and have some white hair over the whole coat and a white little spot on the chest, not wearing collar now. Is timid and rarely approaches anyone, scared of loud noises. Spends a big part of day outside and is familiar with the area, always comes back home during the day and before we go to sleep and now is missing for 6 days.

How you can help

Academy Close, Bulwell
Listing number
Pet's gender
Wed, 28.08.2024
Wed, 21.08.2024
Owner name

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets UK
Listing ul487279 posted on Facebook Nottingham, ENG - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 29 August 2024, reply

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